In this short video we package the subject of Dependency Hell in software development.

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I’ve been working on a light-hearted series of videos talking about crimes against software and causes for over-engineering.


Leveraging existing libraries is necessary to produce software quickly. Trying to implement complicated standards will take time and effort that can distract us from working on the main functionality of our products. Working on things provided by dependencies (libraries or external services) can be way over our heads. And maintaining all the code necessary to keep up with changing standards in a time that most software is meant to be online is simply impractical.

I personally think that the fewer dependencies the better, and you might feel the same if you are an old school programmer. This feeling could come from a place of nostalgia from a time when most of the software was actually implemented by one person and all the heavy lifting was necessary. It was also a symbol of being a good programmer. Reassuring autonomy. It was craftsmanship. But most software was also offline and tangible. You would sell it and someone would own it. That thing was complete in itself. With the concept of SaaS most software moved online and is now an intangible thing from the user’s perspective. And the more dependencies we as developers add to it, the less it feels like it’s ours. It feels incomplete. And it could be made broken at any time. And maybe many of the dependencies we might add are just a consequence of complicating or over-engineering the software and implementing features that are not really necessary. That’s my opinion.

But this is not what this is about.

We will need to add dependencies to our projects. But when does a dependency become a bloat? It can be a deep hole. One package requires another. And another. And soon you have multiple points of failure that are simply out of your control. Sure the package could be open source and you could fix it. But that’s the same as saying you can maintain software without any dependency. It’s too much. And what about the security? There are many examples of bugs and even malicious contributions that jeopardized security. If it’s a poison we have to drink, surely there must be a criteria to choose one that won’t kill us. Meaning, a way to better choose dependencies. Pardon my lyricism, it’s because I’m thinking of a crime narrative. Crimes we commit against our software.

Some thoughts:

  • Dependencies that depend on too many other packages are sign of danger and we question the value that is being added by it;
  • Choosing libraries that implement standards is safer than choosing libraries that just add “comfort”;
  • How often is the package maintained? How many people work on it?
  • Is it an external service that can be run in a private structure? What is the cost of moving away from it? Are there alternatives?


Jokes aside, Richard Stallman has a good heart.



The edit

The edit